Tag Archives: suggestion

Hello world!

Hmm… so this is what people call a ‘blog’. When I first read that word, it struck me as something someone would say when they had a throat full of phlegm. But apparently, it’s something that everyone (I’ve heard even dogs) has started doing – some even earn money outta this.

Anyway, I have just started this hobby, and really hope it goes well. I decided to create this ‘blog’ for one purpose, really: to share all the wonderful music the world has to offer.

There are days I just sit around and scan YouTube, click on the related videos section, and *bam* before i know it, 12 kick-ass songs by artists I  never knew even existed. And then i sit back and wonder: ‘daamn. Imagine all the music out there just waiting to be found.’

Although I have an open mind towards music (everyone has to just calm their balls every now and then and realize that good music depends on the opinion), I am pretty darn disappointed that  music today is just so full of this Country stuff, Hip-Hop and Club/Dance Music. I miss the days when people were singing touching songs, that actually had meaning, instead of songs where auto-tuned artists shout out “Kiss me! F*ck me! Paartttyy with me!” every other verse. (Don’t get me wrong though – the blog will still contain HipHop and Dance).

With that said, here’s how I’ve laid out my battle plans:

– every other day, I will post at least one blog, with at least 5 songs to be listened to

–  Songs can be both new, and old

Well that’s about it – further I haven’t planned. There’s time for that yet. I thank you, dear Reader, for reading this far, and hope to hear more of you in the future.

Note: before anyone starts hating on me, or leaving negative comments: this blog is NOT an anti-modern music blog. I write this blog simply to share with you music that you may like – if you do like it, good for you. If you don’t, well stick around for another post. There may be one you like yet.

– Jonathan

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Mixed Tape Masterpiece

an ode to the songs (and radio stations) that shaped my life


time travelling through iTunes

Musically Diversified

Where all Music is treated equally.

Is this thing on?

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To struggle is futile! You cannot escape! The most uncanny music ever seen!


Anonymous. Real person. Sharer-of-good-music and feeling. Audiodigital connector of people.


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